Creative Obsession is an apomary, a fragmented fusion of aphorisms, apothegms and apologues, which depicts a "boiling pot" of philosophy with astonishing succinctness.
The fervent protagonist of Creative Obsession is Homer Dogg, "a hardcore traveler, an honest scholar, and an infatuated artist." The apomary spans Homer Dogg's fleeting, peripatetic life, while unearthing a deep-rooted connectedness of aesthetic, epistemic and ethic thinking. Creative Obsession celebrates "creative people of all stripes, who live and work passionately, resiliently, and with their eyes wide open." It portrays philosophic life in broad daylight for "the firstborn of the Third Millenium."
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Viator E. O’Leviter is the pseudonymous author of Creative Obsession. He is a lawyer in private practice, who enjoys a sequestered, literary life.
The apomary is a form of art suited to philosophic elucidation, where the lines between readership and authorship grow increasingly unsettled. The meticulously blended imagery of the aporistic work portrays, in this instance, the itinerant inquirer, a worldwise mosaic-maker, whose indefinite and dissipating presence portends the nom de plume.
“Viator E. O’Leviter” is good advice in bad Latin. It means to travel lightly, yet passionately, and to “play the hand that’s dealt you,” as you might, come what may.
Viator (Paul Hunt) was born in Oakland, California, and he grew up in Berkeley during changing times. He is a graduate of Columbia University and the University of San Francisco. He lives in Oakland with his beautiful wife, in an old and comfy home.
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